In the beginning ....
In March of 2000, after leaving the downtown 8th and Railroad location,
Jesus Only Apostolic Church relocated to the north end of the building at
3130 N. Cliff Avenue. These were very exciting times for the congregation
since this building offered additional rooms to have Sunday School, a
church office, men’s and women’s restrooms, a sanctuary, and a baptismal
area. God blessed us to grow in this location and several souls were
baptized in Jesus’ name and received the Holy Ghost. At this location, we
were also able to host our very first South Dakota Regional in addition to
other fellowship meetings and outreach events.
Here we started our first church choir and purchased our first set of drums.
To our surprise, our visitor count swelled to a record 41 visitors. Boy was
that an exciting time! It was at this location where many of the founding
members of the church will remember Pastor Sweets teaching from his
famous self-copying whiteboard. He drew a large circle on the board, with
God in the middle and taught: “God is not coming out to get you, you must
get in His circle and come to the truth to receive the benefits God has for
you!” In this location we developed many of our traditional outings and
activities, like our annual bonfire, the apple orchard, and Father’s Day
dinners, all of which we still practice until today.
We still remember traveling to fellowships, meetings, conventions, and
other special events in the old, blue, 2004 Ford 15 passenger bus. It didn’t
look like much, but God blessed us to never be stranded or broken down
on our journeys.
Most of the early membership will remember snow piling up in the South
Dakota winters and having to arrive two hours early to church just to get a
path shoveled so the members could get to the door. And don’t get us
started on having to make sure the parking lot was cleared for church to
March 2000 - February 2002
2301 West Madison Street
In March of 2003, God allowed Pastor to find a location at 2301 West
Madison. This would become one of our milestone locations. It was at the
Madison location that the church membership grew to about 30-35
members. The location itself wasn’t grand, with green carpet and no
kitchen to speak of, but it did have a sanctuary, private restrooms, and a
fellowship area. It was here that we had our first set of pews.
Any member will recall having to pass right by Pastor’s desk when coming
into the church, which has remained a characteristic of each church
location since. It was here that many of our youth began their adult lives,
marrying and beginning their careers. Unfortunately, a few also left and
have not returned.
As God blessed us richly, our Pastor was elevated to Suffragan Bishop. It
was here we were officially incorporated, and our church officers were
established. We remained in this building until we outgrew it and moved to
another milestone building on Benson Road on the Northeast end of town
in the fall of 2006.
March 2003 - November 2006
25 Years Later....
In November of 2014, Jesus Only Apostolic moved to the west side of the building at 1926 West Burnside. This location was a big step in the right direction for us. With our first commercial kitchen, a larger sanctuary, private restrooms, and a paved parking lot, we were feeling highly favored by God. We had more room to grow, and grow we did, with the membership growing to 75-80 members. Since then, we have been able to not only grow, but to purchase the whole building, allowing a church office, fellowship area, and a dedicated area just for Joy Academy. We have also held many fundraisers, caterings, walkathons, BBQ sales, and even a walking taco stand.
We have also established many other fellowship and fundraising opportunities for the saints, including our famous weekly Sweet Shoppe and a variety of very competitive cook-offs. While here, we have continually added to our youth programs, including youth enrichment classes and a curiosity badge program offered through JOY Academy.
This location has truly been a blessing. It has also seen our Pastor’s elevation to Bishop in 2015. He and his wife, Elect Lady Sweets have also been able to obtain their doctorates in Theology and Christian Education through the Apostolic Holiness College of the AFFOI under the leadership of Presiding Bishop Terry Gilmore. From this location, we have also expanded as Pastor Cory and Eld. Matt Sengsouvanna started a church in St. Paul, Minnesota.
November 2014 - Today